Fitocracy: Here are the points you need to level up

Fitocracy is a great community for spurring each other onto great fitness things. Here’s what you need to level up … Fitocracy: Because Internet Points Fitocracy gamifies fitness and exercise. Do exercises, get internet points. It’s amazing what people will do for (fake) internet points. I’m at Level 12 in Fitocracy, and as of today need 1269 … Read more

Leveled up on Fitocracy

I’m now Level 4 on Fitocracy.  It’s mostly been walking/jogging on the treadmill and doing elliptical trainer at the Y. I’ve walked a half-marathon on the treadmill since starting up with Fitocracy. Here’s to the next half-marathon!

I’ve become a Fitocrat

A friend of mine posts his workouts on Facebook through a service called Fitocracy. Fitocracy gamifies the whole exercise process. I can get achievements, keep track of personal records, and level up. Pretty cool!  I’m actually motivated by such silly things. I’ve already logged over 2 miles on the treadmill since yesterday, and am starting … Read more